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We Stand For Peace on Saturdays @ 11AM
Every Saturday
from 11AM to 1PM
in rain, snow & howling wind
on the corner of
NE 13th & Multnomah st.
in Portland Oregon.
We are always there. We don’t believe that peace will suddenly break out all over but we stand as a reminder that it is possible, that there are things people can do to bring it about. We can change our ways of thinking and reacting and we can encourage others to do the same.
Stop by for a minute or an hour or spend the rest of your life with us in our vigil for a kinder, more abundant world.
We Stand for Peace has been on that corner since the disappointing election of 2004. We are all volunteers and have no dues, with all of our decisions being reached by consensus of the people there at the time. Your voice will always be heard.
Come by and see us; you can bring a sign or use one that is there.
We usually don’t support different sides of different causes; we want to keep our message of peace and justice to include everyone, but we do have definite opinions on everything . We eat lunch together and have lively discussions about everything under the sun. We would like to hear your views.
We show movies free of charge on topical and educational themes on the first Sunday of every month. Please stay tuned to see our ‘Monthly Movies’ section for more information.
We Remember Gwen who Made a Stand for Peace

Gwen Smith Love
Gwen Smith stood on the corner with Stand for Peace for 7 years.
She was always there, in rain, heat, wind and cold.
She died February 8 2011. at the age of 89.
She has left a hole in our hearts.